Thrusday Night Thrash
Heavyweight Title Mtach-HBK VS. The Rock VS. Steve Austin
Austin Wins
I.C. Title Match- The Undertaker VS. Kane (Devil's Lair Match)
Undertaker Wins
Hardcore title Match-Mankind VS. The Katt
Mankind Wins
T.V. Title Match- D'lo Brown VS. Jeff Jarrett
D'lo Brown Wins
Tag Team Title Four Way- The Steiners VS. Rvd & Sabu VS. No Limit Soldiers Vs. Lance Storm & Justin Credible
No Limit Wins
Womens Title Match-Sable VS. Tammy Lynn Bytch
Sable Wins
No Holds Barred Match-Sting VS. Mark Henry
Mark Henry Wins

Sunday Smackdown
#1 Contendership for World Title-HHH VS. HBK
#1 Contendership for Tag Titles- Lance Storm & Justin Credible VS. RVD & Sabu
Hardcore Title Match-Mankind VS. Al Snow VS. Vader
Womens Title Match (Special Ref-Justin Credible)-Sable VS. Tammy
Road Dogg VS. Sid Vicous
Steiner Bros. VS. Owen & Jeff